Cat world aims to help cat owners blog and share photos with each other of their beloved cats with mustaches or other cute features.
PhotosCat world provides a network for sphinx owners to collaborate on where to find the best sweaters for their hairless friends.
PhotosCat world offers a user friendly forum for cat lovers to share various cat memes (most popularly the bread meme)
PhotosFirst you must cut out a whole in the slice of bread you would like to use. Make sure to slice with care as you do not want to accidentally cut yourself. In addition, if the whole is too big it will not fit your cat properly, if it is too small the bread may rip.
You must place the bread on your cat with care. Some cats do not like wearing bread and they can get mad with you. Be careful to avoid your cat if it lashes out by hissing or scratching at you. Once the bread is on be sure to take photos!
Fluffy is owned by Tony from Baltimore Maryland. Fluffy is 3 years old and enjoys playing with others and chasing lasers.